My experiences trying to learn the art of surfing

I am five months through a six month journey to improve my surfing with the sole (soul?) intention of surfing waves comfortably that will get me in the green room. I've spent three months in Indonesia and have been scatting around Central America surfing the El Salvador, Costa Rica and Nicaragua. I'm travelling with my fifth board, Zak (6'3 / 18 3/4 and 2 3/8).

I thought I'd blog about my experience learning to surf as its such a tough, long journey. Somedays you get it, your timings perfect and you zip down the line, most days you don't. Surfing has been so good for my ego. I've never been so bad at something, despite trying so hard but something just keeps me out there, no matter how bad I am. The sea, the ocean, the soul.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Going right

For some reason I really struggle going right. I live in WA at the moment (lefts aplenty) and spent my formative surfing period in Indo (even more lefts) was my goal this recent holiday to work on my rights, sort out my duck diving (and I didn't actually realise I had created my own style of duckdive until I watched a few you tubes last week) and tidy up my foot work.

I'm pretty happy with my progress - I surfed three weeks solid with only two days off, practised yoga everyday, made some new friends and relaxed. I didn't sort out my rights, my duck diving still sucks but I am on a smaller board (6"2, 2 3/8 and 19 1/2). My timing (on the left) has improved out of sight and I am now ridiculously addicted. I managed to surf four times this week - Hu'y, god of the waves has blessed Perth with waves a plenty the last few weeks and the banks up at Scarborough are so fun!

This morning, my friend John and I surfed at Brighton, sharing the waves with just a few others. It was so pretty. My mind couldn't help stray to thoughts of the 2metre tiger shark I paddled over 6 months earlier around the same spot but not enough to get me out of the water! Its those sort of surfs that make all the other ones, when I'm getting hammered or really scared or surfing 1 foot mush with 50 others or when I am the worst out in the water by far (hello, Mentawais!) - all worth it!

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